Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Where Do I Buy the 20% XP Potion.

Where do you find the 20% XP potion, also known as excess potion of accelerate learning? Sometimes I just miss the obvious. Sometimes the obvious is just hidden by wrong information. Most information online stated the horde vendor who sold this was Rasham the Innkeeper or they stated I would get it from Sergeant Grimjaw. I checked multiple times and they never offered it. I kept thinking, maybe it's a level thing. 

The correct answer is Grimjaw. I had a hard time finding him also. I tried /tar grim but it never seemed to work. I might have missed it also because it's on page 3 where I didn't expect it. 

On the alliance side, it is Sergeant Crowler located right by  your garrison resources. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

PVE vs PVP in World of Warcraft

Easy 25 conquest points for killing this clown in the back.
There is so much to accomplish in World of Warcraft few people can do it all if any at all. There are 2 major options when it comes to playing at the higher levels. I've seen some people ask, "Should I Raid (PVE) or PVP?" What someone is really saying is which is more rewarding?

Why can't most people be good at both, PVP and PVE?

There is an enormous amount of time invested in both options. 
Most people don't have the time to do both even if they do play "all the time."
There is a different thought process between the two.

Pros of Raiding:

  • It's Fun.
  • You build great online friendships.
  • You get the thrill of accomplishment.
  • You get to experience new content more often.

Con's of Raiding:

  • You are usually locked in for 3 to 6 hours that night. 
  • You have to show up.
  • You spend countless hours waiting around for people to be ready.
  • It can be aweful repetitive if you are stuck on a boss.
  • If you work, you are probably going to lose sleep.

Pros of PVP

  • It's Fun.
  • You build great online friendships
  • You get the thrill of accomplishment.
  • It easier to step in and out play.

Cons of PVP

  • You are going to die.
  • Most likely there are many people better than you.
  • The grind for adequate gear can be tough due to the number of times you are going to die.
  • People on your side are going to whine and complain alot.

So, which option did I decide to go with? I mostly do PVP. I used to devote myself to raiding but that option just caused me to check out from my family. I was never around during prime time hours because I was stuck in a raid. I always felt like I had to be there to get invite back in the future.

With PVP, I feel less constrained to my computer and have more freedom to come and go. In addition, I have always felt: who cares if you can down the last boss, if you are going to step outside the instance and get murdered by everyone? 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Review of Obtaining the Warlord of Draenor Title.

Warlord of Draenor

Obtaining the Warlord of Draenor Title isn't difficult it's time consuming. If you group up with others on the quest, it's tolerable. The basics of this title is the following.
  • You need to have a Gladiator's Sanctum at your garrison. 
  • You have to complete the brief quest line for each race of the opposing faction. This includes doing quests to burn their statue, kill a player of that race to obtain their heart, and then kill 500 players of that race. 
  • Complete the Fight, Kill, Salute Quest
You must kill the players in Draenor. Ashran counts, The Coliseum, battlegrounds and arenas don't count. If you have other's in your party, you get credit for their kills also. So, another words, if you have a party of 5, you get credit for 5 kills for each honorable kill. This is a manageable way to accomplish this. One by one is probably along the same effort as the insane title. Any kills by fellow raid members in the range of your mini-map will count but only towards the number of people in your party. 

How I went about accomplishing this is was by utilizing the Group Finder system built into the game. If you look under the custom group option, or under PVP - Ashran, you should be able to find a group at peak times. 

The custom groups like to park themselves in front of the latest raid entrance and kill everyone who tries to enter. The effectiveness of this is determined by server, time, day, and who just happens to be raiding that day. Sometimes, you can blow through an entire race in a few hours, excluding pandas and goblins. At other times, you wonder where the hell everyone is and basically waste a lot of time. 

Recently, I believe myself and many others have determined Ashran is the better option. If you can get a raid of people in Ashran to follow instructions you can really get things done. Also, camping the entrance to a raid is boring. Running around killing the opposing faction while you when events is more fun. Also, you will get some free loot from winning the events, which you can sell or disenchant. 

Most people I have spoken to agree that Goblins are the hardest to accomplish followed by Pandas. Most people who are serious about this suggest to do these first to get them out of the way. I say alternate the easy with the hard. I think doing Goblins and Pandas first might be disheartening. However, I won't save them for last either.